I will cover one question each day in reverse chronological order each day DAY FOUR
Number 7 of the most frequently asked questions is-Why do dogs shake?
There are actually several reasons why dogs shake:
- At the top of the list is that your dog got wet and is shaking water off of them. This is the way a dog gets up to 70% of the water on them, off. This is a normal reason for a dog to shake, and is actually something good.
- Dogs can also shake because they are excited. This is a way a dog can use of some of his/her excess energy. This is more apt to happen with younger dogs, and it is a good idea to try and ignore it so you do not cause them to keep this habit going.
- Dogs can also shake because they are scared of something such as going to the Vet or when there are loud noises. Try to find out what the dog is scared of and try to help your dog feel safe.
- Old age and muscle weakness can cause a dog to shake. If the issue does not stop after the dog is resting or is an excessive amount of shaking, you need to talk to a Vet.
- There are smaller breeds of dogs that just shake more often than other breeds. Toy sized dogs tend to be more excitable and hyperactive, which causes them to shake.
- There are several illnesses with dogs that can cause shaking. Some of the most common have to do with eating something that is toxic, contracting distemper, having seizures, and something called Generalized Terror Syndrome. If there does not seem to be a reason for your dog shaking, or they are shaking excessively, you need to call a Vet and get professional help for the dog.
There are several things you can buy for your dog, that will help make them more comfortable.
A Veterinarian can help to make sure your dog is not sick, stays healthy, and lives to the oldest possible age.