I will cover one question each day in reverse chronological order each day DAY SIX
Number 5 of the most frequently asked questions is-What do dogs see? Color?
Dogs can only see two colors.
They see blue well, but purple looks the same as blue.
Red, orange, and green appear more like browns and grayscale to a dog.

Field of view
Dogs have a wider field of view than humans.
Sighthounds have a panoramic view of 270 degrees.
The average dog’s field of view is about 60 to 70 degrees greater than that of humans.

Depth perception
Dogs use the same mechanism for depth perception as humans, but their depth perception is not as good.
Some breeds, like Labradors, can inherit nearsightedness.
In most cases, you wouldn’t be able to pick a near-sighted or far-sighted pup out of a lineup.
Dogs have a mirrorlike membrane called the tapetum lucidum that allows them to see in six times less light than humans can.
A Veterinarian can help to make sure your dog’s eyes are functioning correctly.
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