I will cover one question each day in reverse chronological order each day DAY EIGHT
Number 3 of the most frequently asked questions is-Why do dogs lick people??
There are actually several reasons why dogs dogs lick people:
**The most important point here is that you should not let a dog lick your face, especially your mouth because dog saliva can have parasites, bacteria, and/or diseases. Very rarely, a dog could be sick and give the person something.
- Okay, now back to the question of why dogs lick people:
- Dogs may lick you because they are showing affection (grooming, relaxing).
- Dogs might lick you in order to get your attention, which seems to work.
- Dogs might also lick a person in order to help relieve stress.
- Dogs may also lick a person because the person tastes good.
- Dogs might lick a person if they sense that the person is sad, or unhappy.
- Once dogs have licked a person over time, the dog might just do it because he or she has always done it.
Licking is a normal behavior for dogs, but check with a Veterinarian if you think your dog could possibly be sick.
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