I will cover one question each day in reverse chronological order each day DAY SEVEN
Number 4 of the most frequently asked questions is-Why do so many dogs eat poop??
There are actually several reasons why dogs eat poop, which is known as coprophagia:
**The most important point here is that this type of behavior is unhealthy for a dog. There could be something wrong, and you need to notify a Vet.
- Dogs sometimes do this because they are bored and want to get their owner’s attention.
- Sometimes a dog does this because the dog is lacking in some vitamins and is trying to make up for the deficiency.
- Sometimes, this is because something is wrong with the dog and coprophagia is a symptom of the illness.
- Sometimes there is nothing wrong at all, but the dog just wants to see what it is.
- When dogs are separated from someone or another animal, they might engage in the act of coprophagia as a way to cope with the separation.
- Being alone or when a dog is left in small spaces most of the time makes them more prone to coprophagia.
A Veterinarian can help to make sure your dog is not sick, stays healthy, and lives to the oldest possible age.
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